The Jersey Shore Arts Center is a vital home for the arts in our community. Artists work and perform here. Students learn here. Your financial support helps us transform lives. Our vision is to foster a greater appreciation and understanding of the arts among people in our community and beyond.
Your generous financial support enables us to present exhibitions, art classes, dance instruction, film screenings, children's programs and provide affordable work/studio space for a highly diverse and creative group of visual and performing artists. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Gifts of Cash
Gifts of cash are the easiest and most direct way to give to JSAC and are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Gifts of cash can be made online, by sending a check, payable to the Jersey Shore Arts Center, or by calling the Main Office at 732-502-0050 with your credit card information.
Matching Gifts
You can double, or even triple, the amount of your gift through your company sponsored Matching Gift Program. Many employers match charitable contributions made by their employees or their spouses. To find out if your employer has a matching gift program, please contact your Human Resources department. Although there are individual procedures for each company, most require donors to complete the employee section of their matching gift form and send it with their gift. Upon receipt of your gift and form, JSAC will complete the charitable section and send your company the completed form for processing.
Become a Corporate Sponsor
For corporations interested in high-visibility sponsorship opportunities, the Jersey Shore Arts Center is pleased to offer specially designed partnership packages, with robust recognition and engagement benefits tailored to meet your company’s needs. Opportunities include major event sponsorships and naming opportunities throughout the building. Contact Elyse Reissman for more information.
Planned Giving
A gift through your will is a simple, straightforward way to make a meaningful contribution to the Jersey Shore Arts Center while entitling your estate to a charitable tax deduction.
Individuals can make the following kinds of bequests to the JSAC:
Specific bequest: A sum of money, an appreciated asset, or property such as art, artifacts, or real estate.
Residuary bequest: All or a percentage of the assets remaining in your estate after specific bequests and all other expenses are paid.
Contingent bequest: A bequest to the Center that comes into effect if your primary beneficiary does not survive you. Click here for sample language.
Other Ways You Can Support JSAC
Gifts in Kind
We have many projects in need of in-kind donations and services. Building materials, art and office supplies, furnishings, tools, and equipment. We are unable to pick-up donations. To make an in-kind donation please first contact our Main Office (732) 502-0050 x101 or write to info@jerseyshoreartscenter.org
Become A Volunteer
The tradition of support through volunteerism helps us grow as an organization. Since our founding in 1997 the Ocean Grove Historic Preservation Society / Jersey Shore Arts Center has relied on the talents and energies of volunteers to help us fulfill our mission. We continue to seek volunteers to serve on fundraising committees, or to help in other critical areas including updating the website, social media, promotion, and building beautification. To find out more about volunteering call 732-502-0050 or email us.
Thank you for your support!